To install HTime application: 1) PKUNZIP the HT123.ZIP file into a directory on your hard disk or to a diskette (i.e. pkunzip c:\temp1). 2) Run the INSTALL command to unzip the DISK1.ZIP file to a floppy or hard disk. From the C:\temp1 directory... INSTALL A: or INSTALL B: or INSTALL C: etc. 2) From Program Manager Run dialog, enter A:install if a diskette or c:\hware\disk1\install if from the hard disk. 3) The install program will install all neccessary files. Note the *.txt files will not be copied to the destination directory. 4) After the files have been copied, the HTime icon group will be built. To deinstall HTime application: 1) All files start with the letter H or have the hvg file type. 2) Delete the following files: Htime.exe Htime.ini *.htj *.htt